I was lucky enough to represent STS EDUCATION at the Bowers Museum on Friday, March 18, at the ACSA Every Student Succeeding Breakfast and Awards. STS has sponsored a Chromebook for each of these award recipients for many years and 2022 was no different. The ACSA awards honor students that have overcome extreme adversity in […]

STS is proud to roll into 2022 as one of Inc. 5000’s Fastest Growing Companies in the Pacific Region
STS EDUCATION has recently been named as #125 on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies in the Pacific region! STS and its peer companies had an average growth rate of close to 200%- these organizaions represent the most successful private companies in the Pacific Region when it comes to generating jobs and growth. […]

As Schools evolve into centers of Community Wellness, K-12 Wellness Rooms offer students a place to recharge
In another life, I was a middle and high school teacher. I taught in and around Metro Detroit at the turn of the century. I had a very diverse, predominantly high-risk set of students throughout my five-year career, which was spent in a mix of both public and charter schools. Many of these schools lacked […]